Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stevie Wonderful! - You and I

I remember being halfway drunk in a  bar on West 74th street in New York City wailing this song along with a stranger - who, for the length of the song was my BEST friend in the universe. It was a rather long friendship since we kept popping quarters in the juke box to further wail out our heartfelt - most drunken heartfelt emotions. Yes, juke box - that's how long ago it was. The bar was packed and no one seemed to mind our caterwauling. Granted, this is a strange song to sing along to especially because of the range of notes. It goes quite high BUT when you are high you are already there OR so you think. I never saw my singing friend again but I have never stopped singing and loving this song - loving it because it is so beautiful - words and music BUT mostly because Stevie Wonder is the singer. Stevie Wonder was an idol of mine when I was an aspiring singer. He and Nilsson also Elton John - singer songwriters all three. Great innovative composers AND great innovative singers. Here is the wonderful Stevie Wonder...........


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