It's suppose to be an awards show. I think they gave out only 5 awards. Aren't they suppose to represent the world of music? What we get is too much shitty country and pop "music". It is very telling that the most tweeted Grammy moments are those too few moments with Annie Lennox and Hozier. Usher came in 2nd. Why wasn't Diane Reeves performing. She won for Jazz Vocal and she is superb.
This show was overkill and over produced. Did Beyonce need those men in white all around her just to do choreographed hand and arm movements? Did Pharrell need singers and dancers everywhere you looked - EVEN IN THE AISLES?? Why did his stupid ditty require Lang Lang. And where is Lang Lang's Grammy?
I want my 3 1/2 hours back. I could have stopped watching - I know but the show was so mind numbing in a strangely mesmerizing way. It brought on a serious case of inertia.
God, I hate modern American pop. It is so bad. It wasn't always so. But you'd never know it by the lackluster performance of Tom Jones and ?? who possessed no chemistry and lacked complete understanding of the classic they were "singing". It was AWFUL!!
Somebody tell Jamie Foxx he is not a legend. Somebody tell Gwen Stefani that she needs to send her musical tones to other parts of her body besides the nose. Somebody tell Madonna the time machine is revved up and ready to take her back to 1985. Somebody tell AC/DC they need to unplug. Somebody tell the producers that Lifetime Achievement awards should be given to people we actually know. I mean, if I don't know the artist, where's the achievement?
Somebody tell Jane Fonda her mask is melting.
Somebody tell Kanye West to go east FAR EAST!!
LL Cool J should be replaced. He lacks humor, charisma, depth and Cool.
Why did we need a lengthy lesson in abuse culminating in an over wrought performance that only serves to trivialize this issue. Why on a glitzy entertainment show? And who and what the fuck is Sia??? I know that performance is rich fodder for a future SNL skit -can't wait.
Alright, I'm done. To Spotify with me. I've got this great Jamie Cullum playlist.
I couldn't agree more! What a snooze-fest. The performances are so overly produced that they lack any musicality, spontaneity, and energy. Awful.